- FläktGroup
- References
- Future growth project
Future growth project, Tengiz- Kazakhstan
The integrated Future Growth Project-Wellhead Pressure Management Project (FGP-WPMP) is designed to further increase total daily production from the Tengiz reservoir and maximize the ultimate recovery of resources. We were awarded a substantial contract to supply good indoor air quality for this important project’s Offices, Training center and Main Canteen areas.
Customer: Future growth project (FGPWPMP), Tengiz- Kazakhstan
Need: HVAC solution for office, canteen and training center areas
Solution: 10 pcs tailor-made Air Handling Units and 4 Chiller units designed for Indoor climate control.

Deep beneath the western Kazakhstan steppe is a giant reservoir known as the Tengiz Field, where the oil column measures an incredible 1 mile (1.6 km) across. With a surface area more than four times that of Paris, France, Tengiz ranks as the world’s deepest producing supergiant oil field and the largest single-trap producing reservoir in existence.
10 pcs tailor-made Air Handling Units and 4 Chiller units designed for Indoor climate control.