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FläktGroup public Statement on the war in Ukraine

Over the last weeks the whole world including all of us at FläktGroup have been following the constant news from Ukraine with heavy hearts.

We are deeply shocked by the senseless acts of violence being perpetrated against innocent people in Ukraine and we condemn the Russian state’s invasion for what it is: a brutal act of war against a neighbouring sovereign country.


We join the many voices calling for its end, and hope that peace, human rights, and the international rule of law will prevail.


Our focus is always on our people at FläktGroup. Our priority is the safety and wellbeing of our Ukrainian employees in Poland and their families in the Ukraine. We remain in constant contact and we are doing everything we can to support them.


FläktGroup supports the scope and strength of the sanctions put in place and has implemented them.


For the time being, FläktGroup will not initiate any new projects in Russia or Belarus.


While these are our actions today, we will continue to monitor the situation closely. We thank our colleagues for their compassion and support for each other in this difficult time.


Our overriding hope is for peace in the region. 



Thierry Jomard

