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Tobias Ketterle to take over as new Group CFO

Changes in Management Team at FläktGroup

Herne (Germany), 31 August 2022 – FläktGroup, one of the market leaders in indoor and critical ventilation solutions, today announced that Tobias Ketterle will take over as Group CFO.

Tobias Ketterle is a senior Executive with a profound background in Finance and IT from a comparable industrial environment and private equity experience. After master’s degrees in business administration from universities in Germany and the USA he started his professional career at KPMG. He then managed Mergers & Acquisitions at REWE Group before he joined the Wilo Group in 2007, initially as Chief Information Officer and later as Group CFO. In 2015 he became the Group CFO of DSD – Duales System Deutschland, a private equity owned company until the company was sold in 2022.

“We are delighted that we were able to attract Tobias to join us on our exciting journey. He will be a great addition to our management team, comments Frederic Abbal, Group CEO at FläktGroup.

Tobias Ketterle will start at FläktGroup on September 1, 2022.


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