New Generation of FGAH Heat Pumps using Low GWP Refrigerant R-32
The newly developed switchable heat pumps for direct connection to the chilled/hot water circuit offer a 66% lower global warming potential (GWP) as well as higher seasonal energy efficiency (SCOP values). The units are ideal for cooling or heating offices, shops, hotels or industrial buildings in a 2-pipe change-over system.

Five years after the introduction of monobloc heat pumps for use in the light commercial sector with small capacities, for example, we are proud to present the newly developed and improved 2nd generation. The new FGAH-AH series with 6 device sizes from 15 to 41 kW achieves improved efficiencies with SCOP values of up to 4.76 (ηs 187 %) for low-temperature applications and SCOP 3.48 (ηs 136 %) for medium temperatures.
The units are factory-filled with the low-GWP refrigerant R-32 (GWP 677). The refrigerant has established itself as a replacement for R-410A, as the GWP (Global Warming Potential) is 66% lower. R-32 is ISO 817 A2L classified (low flammability). Since the refrigerant is located exclusively outside the building, it can be used with easy-to-meet safety requirements without complicated limitations. R-32 is future-proof in terms of service and maintenance in view of the F-Gas Regulation 2024, as there are no prohibitions on replacing components or refilling the refrigerant.
Due to the wide operating range down to -20 °C outside temperature with simultaneous flow temperature of up to 45 °C or up to 60 °C at outside temperatures above -5 °C, monovalent operation without an additional boiler or district heating connection is possible in many applications, e.g. with air handling units, fan coils, chilled beams or air heaters. The control option of on-site auxiliary heating rods also enables bivalent-parallel or bivalent-alternative operation. In summer, the units can be switched to cooling mode with media temperatures between -8 and +18 °C.
The units are equipped as standard with energy-efficient and controllable EC fans, electronic expansion valves, as well as a hydrophilic coating of the Cu/Al heat exchanger to improve the condensate drainage in heating mode. Optionally, built-in speed-controlled pumps, as well as a suitable expansion vessel are available to reduce installation times and wiring effort. The speed-controlled scroll compressors adapt the heating and cooling capacity to the current demand in a wide working range.
Due to the factory-closed refrigeration circuit, installation by engineers for sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology is possible without any problems. FläktGroup offers commissioning by trained service technicians or refrigeration technicians.
The heat pumps of the FGAH-AH series meet the requirements of the ErP Directive for Heating Appliances (EU) No. 813/2013 and are Eurovent certified.
The devices also include these additional features:
- Built-in plate heat exchanger
- Variable pump speed with Delta T control
- Buffer tank accessories from 30 to 300 L
- Water filter for on-site installation, flow monitor installed
- Connection to a BMS via BACnet or Modbus
- Night mode for quiet operation
- Low refrigerant charge of 4-9 kg