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FläktGroup voitti innovaatiopalkinnon palvelinsalien jäähdytysratkaisulla

FläktGroupin Hydro Denco -ratkaisu voitti vuoden 2024 Data Center Cooling Innovation of the Year -innovaatiopalkinnon brittiläisen Datacentre Solutions -lehden järjestämässä äänestyksessä.

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Why did Hydro Denco win?
Resilience & Energy Efficiency: Hydro Denco offers unparalleled cooling without the complexity, ensuring maximum uptime and minimal energy use.

Sustainability: By eliminating mechanical refrigeration and using advanced EC motors, we’ve drastically cut down on environmental impact.

Scalability: Designed to meet the needs of the most demanding data centres, Hydro Denco is easy to install and maintain, providing robust performance wherever it’s deployed.

How we achieved this:
We removed compressors, refrigerants, and complex controls, simplifying the system and eliminating regulatory hurdles.
Our advanced cooling coils and streamlined air systems deliver with efficiency, reducing energy use significantly.
Innovative water systems and in-house smart controls ensure optimal performance with minimal energy consumption.

Proven Results:

  • Hydro Denco units are achieving incredible cooling efficiency worldwide, with partial Power Utilisation Effectiveness (pPUE) as low as 1.05.
  • In a recent London project, Hydro Denco cut cooling energy consumption by 28%, reducing overall site energy use by nearly 10%.


Discover more about Hydro-DENCO® High Capacity CRAH