New HeaMo AIR 4-pipe heat pumps with low-GWP refrigerant R-454B
The latest generation of HeaMo AIR heat pumps for simultaneous heating and cooling in a 4-pipe system offers excellent efficiency (SCOP, eta and TER), as well as a wide operating range down to -15 °C in heating mode and are certified by Eurovent.

One year after the introduction of the alternative refrigerant OpteonTM XL41, also known as R-454B, in our FGAC chillers and FGAH heat pumps with scroll compressors, we are proud to now offer 4-pipe HeaMo heat pumps with the newly developed low global warming potential (low-GWP) refrigerant as part of the FGAS product range.
HeaMo stands for "Heat in Motion"; 100 % heat recovery mode with simultaneous heating and cooling demand. The units are designed to provide heating and cooling simultaneously or individually, therefore are adapted to the current demand all year round. In the case of simultaneous heating and cooling loads, the waste heat from the cooling process is fed into the hot water circuit. For unequal demand, heat is extracted from the ambient air or excess waste heat is released into the ambient air. Pure heating operation with flow temperatures of 40 °C is possible down to an ambient temperature of -15 °C.
Our range includes 14 different sizes, each as standard or super-low noise versions, covering a power range from 58 to 324 kW. High quality two or four scroll Bitzer compressors are used. These compressors are optimised to use R-454B refrigerant which has a global warming potential (GWP) of only 466, compared to 2088 for the more common R-410A refrigerant. The 78 % reduction makes the units geared to the targets the F-Gas Directive. Other components include AC or EC fans, Cu/Al heat exchangers with optional protective coating and 2-circuit plate heat exchangers as evaporators and condensers. Built-in standard pumps or inverter-controlled pumps with adaptive variable pump speed control (VPS), BMS interfaces (Modbus, BACnet or LON) and other mounting accessories are available as options. HeaMo AIR units can produce chilled water from -8 to +15 °C and hot water from +24 to +52 °C. The outdoor temperatures range from -10 to +46 °C in cooling mode and +24 to +52 °C in heating mode, depending on the water temperatures. All units meet the requirements of the ErP Directive 813/2013 EU for heating appliances and are certified by Eurovent.
FläktGroup HeaMo AIR units are suitable for buildings with 4-pipe systems with long periods of simultaneous heating and cooling demand, such as hotels with 4-pipe fan coil units, office buildings with north and south facades, buildings with large glass surface areas and cooling demand in autumn and winter. In combination with fan coil units, chilled beams and/or air handling units, especially with dehumidification circuitry, efficient and coordinated system solutions result. It is also possible to use the heating function for systems for domestic hot water preheating. Due to the wide application range down to -15 °C, monovalent operation is possible in many applications as an alternative to conventional systems with a separate chiller and boiler. This not only saves energy costs, but also duplicate structures and space requirements.
>>FGAS HeaMo Air 4-pipe heat pumps for simultaneous heating and cooling (58-324 kW)
Click here for the other air-cooled units in the FG series with R-454B refrigerant:
>>FGAH 2-pipe heat pumps with seasonal changeover heating/cooling (53-223 kW)
>>FGAH 2-pipe heat pumps with seasonal changeover heating/cooling (151-337 kW)
>>FGAC Chillers for cooling-only applications (40-870 kW)